How to Lower the Cost of Your Pallet Program

With the right partner in place and a successful pallet management program, you will be on the path to increased operational efficiency. 

woman operating fork lift with pallets

The right pallet program can make a big impact on the bottom line; but, unfortunately, most organizations do not have an internal resource dedicated to pallet management.  Instead, the majority of logistics and operations professionals wear many hats and, oftentimes, pallet sourcing and inventory management is low on the priority list. Indeed, pallets are easy to overlook until it’s too late.

Tips to Lower Your Costs With Pallet Management

Use these tips from the experts at Rose Pallet to avoid costly pallet mistakes.

  1. Use the right pallet – Quality and type vary greatly among pallets depending on the product being shipped, the weight of the product, the number of shipping cycles, and how pallets are handled in the supply chain. Designing with the right material, size, and grade for your specific needs saves money and provides peace of mind.
  2. Do not delay – If you wait until the last minute to replenish your supply, you will likely pay a premium. Instead, partner with the right pallet provider to help you streamline pallet inventory.
  3. Store off site – Work with a pallet provider that can store pallets until you need them to free up space in your warehouse, which translates to cost savings.
  4. Choose a single supplier – Working with one vendor will save time, paperwork, and provide peace of mind through consistency of service. At Rose Pallet there is no charge for an initial meeting to discuss your pallet needs. And, we will go on site and assess your operational process to help you determine a program that meets your demands. Beyond that, we can serve as your supplier and recycler, too.

With the right partner in place and a successful pallet management program, you will be on the path to increased operational efficiency.  For additional information or a free consultation, contact our national pallet specialists.

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